The Bull 4MID® Kit (Ref. 4VDX-18K4) is the first immunoassay that validates objectively semen quality by quantifying a protein biomarker named proAKAP4 in samples of bull semen. This ELISA kit is the 1st functional test to evaluate sperm quality and fertility, as high levels of AKAP4 has been shown in high fertile bulls (Peddinti et al. 2008 : Singh et al. 2019).
The dosage of the proAKAP4 biomarker with the Bull 4MID® Kit, will bring you:
Objective information on semen quality
Qualification of each breeding male and their ejaculates
Pertinent parameter to improve sperm cryopreservation
A functional indicator correlated to fertility
The concentration of the proAKAP4 biomarker is a good indicator of sperm quality and of how the spermatozoa can keep its motility high and efficient up to fecondation.